I want there to be things in my work that people can access, but also hidden secrets.
—Jim Shaw


Saturday 10 February, 19:00

Jim Shaw in conversation with Anne-Claire Schmitz

Followed by a screening of William Castle’s 13 Ghosts (1960), a horror film chosen by Jim Shaw.

The Cinema - The Studio, Antwerp


Saturday 16 March, 14:00

Guided tour by Guillaume Bijl, artist


Saturday 23 March

On hair, wigs, power and identity

Study day


Thursday 28 March, 18:00

Evening of the teacher

Including guided tour by Anne-Claire Schmitz, curator


Thursday 25 April, 18:00

Evening of the student


Saturday 27 April, 14:00

Guided tour by Aline Bouvy, artist


Saturday 11 May

A programme of horror, science fiction, and fantasy films on which Jim Shaw worked as a draughts­man or special effects artist, among which a 35mm screening of Terrence Malick’s The Tree Of Life

The Cinema – The Studio, Antwerp